
talon.concatenate(operators, axis=0)[source]

Concatenate a sequence of linear operator along axis 0 or 1.

This method defines the object that acts as the concatenation of the linear operators contained in the list/tuple operators along the chosen axis. The syntax is consistent with the one of np.concatenate.

  • operators – list or tuple of LinearOperator objects to be concatenated in the same axis.

  • axis – int direction in which we want to concatenate the LinearOperator or ConcatenatedLinearOperator objects that we want to concatenate. Vertical concatenation is obtained for axis = 0 and horizontal concatenation is obtained for axis = 1 as in np.concatenate. (Default: 0)


the concatenated linear operator.

Return type



Returns the matrices used to create a linear operator from a mask

This functions transforms a volume mask into the weights and indices components that are necessary to build a linear operator. It is assumed that the all the voxels in the mask will share a common generator. The indexed generator is therefore unique, corresponds to index zero, and is weighted by the value contained in the mask at the specific voxel.


mask – np.ndarray with three dimensions that contains the weight to be associated to each voxel. Only voxels with non-zero weight are considered.


tuple of length 2 containing

  • index_sparsediagonal scipy.sparse matrix with a shape of (n, m)

    where n is the number of voxels of the volume and m in the number of voxels of the mask.

  • weight_sparsediagonal scipy.sparse matrix with a shape of (n, m)

    containing the value of the mask at each non-zero voxel in the same fashion as index_sparse.

  • TypeError – If the the mask is not a numpy.ndarray.

  • ValueError – If the mask does not have three dimensions.

talon.operator(generators, indices_of_generators, weights, operator_type='fast')[source]

Create a LinearOperator object.

This method defines the object that describes the linear operator by means of its fundamental components. These components are a set of generators, a table that encodes the non-zero entries of the operator and indexes the proper generator in each entry and another table that encodes the weight applied to each called generator in the linear operator.

Each block of entries of the linear operator A is given by

\[A[k\cdot i\dots k\cdot(i+1), j] = g_{T_{i,j}} \cdot w_{i,j}\]

where k is the length of the generators, T is the table of indices and w is the table of weights.

  • generators – np.array where each row is a generator.

  • indices_of_generators – COO sparse matrix that tells which generator is called where in the linear operator.

  • weights – COO sparse matrix that encodes the weight applied to each generator indexed by indices_of_generators. It has the same dimension as indices_of_generators.

  • operator_type (optional) – string Operator type to use. Accepted values are 'fast' and 'reference'. The latter is intended to be used only for testing purposes. (default = fast).


the wanted linear operator.

Return type



ValueError – If reference_type is not 'fast' or 'reference'.

talon.regularization(non_negativity=False, regularization_parameter=None, groups=None, weights=None)[source]

Get regularization term for the optimization problem.

By default this method returns an object encoding the regularization term

\[\Omega(x) = 0 .\]

If regularization_parameter, groups and weights are all not None it returns the structured sparsity regularization.

\[\Omega(x) = \lambda \sum_{g\in G} w_g \|x_g\|_2\]

where \(\lambda\) is regularization_parameter, \(w_g\) is the entry of w associated to g, \(x_g\) is the subset of entries of x encoded by the indices of g and G is the list of groups.

If non_negativity is True it adds the non-negativity constraint to the regularization term.

\[\Omega(x) \leftarrow \Omega(x) + \iota_{\ge 0}(x) .\]
  • non_negativity – boolean (default = False)

  • regularization_parameter – float. Must be >= 0 (default = None)

  • groups

    list of lists where each element encodes the indices of the streamlines belonging to a single group. (default = None).

    E.g.: groups = [[0,2,5], [1,3,4,6], [7,8,9]].

  • weights – ndarray of the same length as groups. Weight associated to each group. (default = None)


instance of one between

  • talon.optimize.NoRegularization;

  • talon.optimize.NonNegativity;

  • talon.optimize.StructuredSparsity;

  • talon.optimize.NonNegativeStructuredSparsity.

  • ValueError – If weights and groups do not have the same length.

  • ValueError – If regularization_parameter < 0 .

talon.solve(linear_operator, data, reg_term=None, cost_reltol=1e-06, x_abstol=1e-06, max_nit=1000, x0=None, verbose='LOW')[source]

Fit the solution.

This routine finds the x that solves the problem

\[\min_x 0.5 \|A x - y\|^2 + \Omega(x)\]

where x is the vector of coefficients to be retrieved, A is the linear operator, y is the data vector and \(\Omega\) is defined as in talon.regularization.

  • linear_operator – linear operator endowed with the @ operation.

  • data – ndarray of data to be fit. First dimension must be compatible with the second of linear_operator.

  • reg_term – regularization term defined by talon.regularization. (default: \(\Omega(x) = 0.0\))

  • cost_reltol – float relative tolerance on the cost (default = 1e-6).

  • x_abstol – float mean abs tolerance on the variable (default = 1e-6).

  • max_nit – int maximum number of iterations (default = 1000).

  • x0 – ndarray starting value for the optimization. The length must be the equal to the second dimension of linear_operator. (default=zeros)

  • verbose – {‘NONE’, ‘LOW’, ‘HIGH’, ‘ALL’} The log level : 'NONE' for no log, 'LOW' for resume at convergence, 'HIGH' for info at all solving steps, 'ALL' for all possible outputs, including at each steps of the proximal operators computation (default=’LOW’).


dictionary with the following fields

  • x : estimated minimizer of the cost function.

  • status : attribute of talon.optimization.ExitStatus enumeration.

  • message : string that explains the reason for termination.

  • fun : evaluation of each term at the minimizer.

  • nit : number of performed iterations.

  • reg_param: value of the regularization parameter.

Return type


talon.voxelize(streamlines, vertices, image_shape, step=0.04)

Transform a tractogram into the matrices that are necessary to build a linear operator.

  • streamlines – list of streamlines in voxel space. The coordinates of each voxel are assumed to point at the center of the voxel itself.

  • vertices – Nx3 np.array, vertices of an unit sphere in which we sample the streamlines direction.

  • image_shape – tuple, final shape of the mask image.

  • step – double, streamlines interpolation step.


tuple of length 2 containing

  • index_sparse(voxel x streamlines) scipy.sparse matrix containing

    for each voxel and fiber the index of the vertices that it is closest to the streamline direction in that voxel.

  • length_sparse(voxel x streamlines) scipy.sparse matrix containing

    for each voxel and fiber the length of the streamline in that voxel.


ValueError – If the streamlines are not in voxel space.


Get a list of 3D vectors representing the directions of the fibonacci covering of a hemisphere of radius 1 computed with the golden spiral method. The \(z\) coordinate of the points is always strictly positive.


number_of_points – number of points of the wanted covering (default=180)


number_of_points x 3 array with the cartesian coordinates

of a point of the covering in each row.

Return type



ValueError – if number_of_points <= 0 .
