Source code for talon.voxelization

import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
import talon
from scipy import interpolate

def streamline_interpolation(streamline, step=0.1, spline_degree=1,
    """Spline interpolation of streamlines.
        streamline : Nx3 np.array representing a streamline.
        step : double distance between two streamlines points (default 0.1)
        spline_degree : integer must be between 1 and 5 (default 1)
        spline_smoothing: double parameter controlling the smoothness of
        the spline (default 0.0)

        Nx3 np.array representing the interpolated streamline

        ValueError: If spline_degree is not in [1,5]
        ValueError: If tnumber of points of the streamline is lower than the
                    spline order
    if spline_degree < 1 or spline_degree > 5:
        raise ValueError(
            '"spline_degree" must be an integer between 1 and 5')
    if spline_degree > streamline.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError(
            '"spline_degree" must be lower than the number of points of \
            the streamline')

    s_length = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(streamline, axis=0) ** 2, 1)))

    u = np.linspace(0, 1, streamline.shape[0])
    tck, u = interpolate.splprep(
        streamline.T, u=u, k=spline_degree, s=spline_smoothing)

    streamline_points = np.int32(np.round(s_length / step))
    u_fine = np.linspace(0, 1, streamline_points)
    interpolated_points = interpolate.splev(u_fine, tck)

    return np.vstack(interpolated_points).T

def _voxelize_streamline(streamline, step=0.04):
    """Streamline to voxels.
        streamline : Nx3 np.array representing a streamline.
        step :double minimum distance between two streamlines points

        out_voxel : Nx3 np.array representing the voxels in which the
        streamline passes through
        out_vector : Nx3 np.array representing direction vector of the
        streamline in each of the voxels

    streamline_fine = streamline_interpolation(streamline, step)
    voxels = np.int32(np.round(streamline_fine))

    # Find where the voxel transitions occur. This is the last point in a
    # voxel.
    transitions = np.any(voxels[1:, :] != voxels[:-1, :], axis=1)
    transitions = np.nonzero(transitions)[0]
    start_points = np.hstack(([0], transitions + 1))
    end_points = np.hstack((transitions, [len(voxels) - 1]))

    # Remove single points and duplicate voxels that occur if streamlines
    # loop.
    keep = end_points != start_points
    start_points = start_points[keep]
    end_points = end_points[keep]
    _, unique_indices = np.unique(start_points, return_index=True)
    start_points = start_points[unique_indices]
    end_points = end_points[unique_indices]

    out_voxel = voxels[start_points]
    out_vector = streamline_fine[end_points] - streamline_fine[start_points]

    return out_voxel, out_vector

def voxelize_tractogram(streamlines, vertices, image_shape, step=0.04):
    """Transform a tractogram into the matrices that are necessary to build a
    linear operator.

        streamlines : list of streamlines in voxel space. The coordinates of
            each voxel are assumed to point at the center of the voxel itself.
        vertices : Nx3 np.array, vertices of an unit sphere in which we sample
            the streamlines direction.
        image_shape : tuple, final shape of the mask image.
        step : double, streamlines interpolation step.

        tuple of length 2 containing

        * index_sparse : (voxel x streamlines) scipy.sparse matrix containing
            for each voxel and fiber the index of the vertices that it is
            closest to the streamline direction in that voxel.
        * length_sparse : (voxel x streamlines) scipy.sparse matrix containing
            for each voxel and fiber the length of the streamline in that voxel.

        ValueError: If the streamlines are not in voxel space.

    s_max = np.max([np.max(s, 0) for s in streamlines], 0)
    s_min = np.min([np.min(s, 0) for s in streamlines], 0)

    if np.any(s_min < -0.5) or np.any(s_max > (np.array(image_shape) - 0.5)):
        raise ValueError(
            '"streamlines" are not in voxel space')

    locations = ([], [])
    indices = []
    lengths = []

    for i, s in enumerate(streamlines):

        # Find the voxels that the streamline crosses.
        voxels, directions = _voxelize_streamline(s, step=step)
        nonzero_voxels = np.ravel_multi_index(voxels.T, image_shape)

        # Compute the length of the streamline in a voxel.
        norms = np.linalg.norm(directions, axis=1)

        # Find the vertices that are closest to the true direction.
        directions = directions / norms[:, None]
        indices.extend(np.argmax(np.abs(, vertices.T)), 1))

        # Save the location of the voxels.
        locations[1].extend(np.full(len(nonzero_voxels), i))

    shape = (, len(streamlines))
    indices = coo_matrix((indices, locations), shape, np.int64)
    lengths = coo_matrix((lengths, locations), shape, talon.core.DATATYPE)

    return indices, lengths

[docs]def diagonalize(mask): """Returns the matrices used to create a linear operator from a mask This functions transforms a volume mask into the weights and indices components that are necessary to build a linear operator. It is assumed that the all the voxels in the mask will share a common generator. The indexed generator is therefore unique, corresponds to index zero, and is weighted by the value contained in the mask at the specific voxel. Args: mask : np.ndarray with three dimensions that contains the weight to be associated to each voxel. Only voxels with non-zero weight are considered. Returns: tuple of length 2 containing * index_sparse : diagonal scipy.sparse matrix with a shape of (n, m) where n is the number of voxels of the volume and m in the number of voxels of the mask. * weight_sparse : diagonal scipy.sparse matrix with a shape of (n, m) containing the value of the mask at each non-zero voxel in the same fashion as ``index_sparse``. Raises: TypeError: If the the mask is not a numpy.ndarray. ValueError: If the mask does not have three dimensions. """ if not isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('The mask must be a numpy.ndarray .') if not (mask.ndim == 3): raise ValueError('The mask must be a ndarray with three dimensions.') flat_indices = np.flatnonzero(mask) weights = mask.ravel()[flat_indices] indices = np.zeros_like(weights) columns = np.arange(len(flat_indices)) locations = (flat_indices, columns) shape = (mask.size, len(flat_indices)) indices = coo_matrix((indices, locations), shape, np.int64) weights = coo_matrix((weights, locations), shape, talon.core.DATATYPE) return indices, weights